Laughing It Off: Neo-Burlesque Striptease as a Theatre of Resistance


  • Reisa Klein Carleton University


This article examines ‘bodily humour’ within the context of neo-burlesque. By analyzing various techniques including the use of parody, exaggeration, costumes and make-up, it considers the ways in which bodily humour operates within counterhegemonic resistances through the use of pleasure, biopower and performances of new subjectivities. Nonetheless, it argues that, neo-burlesque’s continued focus on bodily display and objectification set parameters on the types of resistances that can unfold.


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How to Cite

Klein, R. (2015). Laughing It Off: Neo-Burlesque Striptease as a Theatre of Resistance. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (11). Retrieved from