Public services without a public? How Public Service Broadcasters in the Western Balkans countries interact with thier audiences


  • Davor Marko Non resident research fellow


This paper looks at how public broadcasters in seven countries of the Western Balkan embrace new technologies and online channels to expose their content. This includes analysis of their structures, popularity of programs and the use of online channels to reach the public. Analysis uses evidence, experiences and on spot findings collected during the period 2014 – 2016, as part of the project implemented by the University of Fribourg and Center for Social Research Analitika from Sarajevo. 

Author Biography

Davor Marko, Non resident research fellow

Non resident research fellow


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How to Cite

Marko, D. (2017). Public services without a public? How Public Service Broadcasters in the Western Balkans countries interact with thier audiences. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (14). Retrieved from