From colonizer to victim: The memory culture of the War in the Pacific through the Burma-Siam Pakan Baroe Railroad Monument


  • Tamara Breugelmans University of Amsterdam


In this article I will demonstrate how the Burma-Siam Pakan Baroe Railroad Monument embodies the development of the memory culture about the war in the Pacific in the Netherlands. I will explain why this was contested war, and outline the ways in which it did gain a place in Dutch memory culture. Through a visual analysis I will also uncover who is being excluded from the monument’s commemoration and why. 

Author Biography

Tamara Breugelmans, University of Amsterdam

Research Master student Cultural Analysis


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How to Cite

Breugelmans, T. (2018). From colonizer to victim: The memory culture of the War in the Pacific through the Burma-Siam Pakan Baroe Railroad Monument. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (15). Retrieved from