Analysis of the reception of punk in the spanish press (1976-1979)


  • David Álvarez García Complutense University of Madrid



Punk, Moral Panic, Spanish Transition, Subcultures, Deviation, Press, Counterculture, Social Movements, Folk Devils, Spain, Media Stigmatization


Using a qualitative content analysis methodology, this article examines the reception and representation of the punk movement in the Spanish mainstream and specialized press between 1976 and 1979, a period marked by significant political and social changes in Spain. The study unravels how the Spanish press approached punk, moving from musical criticism to the analysis of its social and political implications. It identifies a notable polarization in media perceptions, divided between those who considered punk as a legitimate expression of rebellion and those who saw it as a threat to the social and moral order. The analysis draws on theories of deviance and moral panic to explore the influence of the media in shaping a dual image of punk that fluctuates between fascination and rejection. This theoretical perspective allows us to understand how, under this interpretative framework, a stigmatization of the new forms of youth interaction and behavior took place in the emerging context of democracy in Spain. Finally, the article concludes that, despite the remarkable visibility of punk in the media, its popularization among Spanish youth did not materialize until the early 1980s. This fact is attributed to the emergence of more direct and less mediated communication channels, which facilitated a wider and more genuine diffusion of punk.


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How to Cite

Álvarez García, D. (2024). Analysis of the reception of punk in the spanish press (1976-1979). IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (20), 327-352.