Leila Guerriero’s profiles: the narrative art of an integrated text


  • M. Ángeles Fernández Barrero University of Seville




Narrative journalism, literary journalism, Leila Guerriero, profile, long form journalism


Narrative journalism represents a renewal of journalistic forms. Using a literary and intimate language, it orders chaotic realities through immersion and meticulous observation. In this paper we analyze the journalistic profiles of Leila Guerriero, a long form narrative genre that allows her to integrate interviews, descriptions and documentary material into a single story, a subjective portrait of a real character.

Author Biography

M. Ángeles Fernández Barrero, University of Seville

Ángeles Fernández Barrero (1976) holds a PhD in Journalism and a degree in this speciality from the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville (US). She currently works as a lecturer in the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville.

She is a journalist in the General State Administration, a body she joined by competitive examination in 2010. Since 1999 she has held various posts in the Ministries of the Environment, Public Administration and the Presidency. As a journalist, she has also worked in the press, radio, television and institutional magazines.

In the field of research, she is a member of the HUM885 Research Group: 'Journalistic Narratives and Emerging Technologies'. His scientific work focuses on the following lines of research: journalistic genres and styles, new journalistic narratives and the impact of emerging technologies on journalistic formats. His various publications include the following books: El editorial: un género periodístico abierto al debate (2005), Periodismo de inmersión para desenmascarar la realidad (2013) and El periodismo que vuela. Drones, 3D, Smartphones and Robots, Emerging Technologies for the Journalism Profession (2018). On drones, he has also published the article "Journalism and drones. Challenges and opportunities of the use of drones in news production", in Doxa Comunicación (2018).

Her commitment to social reality has led her to incorporate into this line of research the contextual factors that condition the production of information and the quality of texts, as well as the ethical and deontological issues of the journalistic profession; the social and working conditions in which journalism is practised; and the impact of technological innovations and new media.
He has published more than 25 academic articles, including "Peculiaridades del editorial ante acontecimientos que marcan la historia" (Ámbitos, 2002) and "Editoriales conjuntos: de la experiencia de la Transición al artículo conjunto de la prensa catalana" (Zer, 2012). This line of research is complemented by some works that address ethical aspects that have an impact on production routines and the quality of texts, such as "Información y rectificación.El problema de la diligencia y el derecho de rectificación desde el punto de vista de los periodistas" (EMP, 2008); "False, inaccurate and incomplete news.Challenges facing journalists in voluntary rectification" (Brazilian Research Journalism, 2012-II); "Objective: protecting exclusivity. The imprecise limits of checkbook journalism" (EMP, 2012) or the imprecision and disregard for the duty to contrast, reflected in "The rise of rumour in the culture of entertainment" (XI Congress of the SEP, 2009).


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How to Cite

Fernández Barrero, M. Ángeles. (2024). Leila Guerriero’s profiles: the narrative art of an integrated text. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (20), 205-232. https://doi.org/10.12795/IC.2023.I20.09