A framing analysis of electoral news generated and translated using generative artificial intelligence (ChatGPT-3)
Framing, AI, Journalism, Translation, PoliticsAbstract
The impact of AI (Artificial Intelligence) has become stronger in all fields of knowledge and human activity – including journalism and translation- since the release of various generative AI conversational systems such as ChatGPT-3 for citizens from November 2022. This paper aims to contribute to the debate on the application of this kind of technology throughout a study on the creation of political news in Spanish and their translation into English using ChatGPT-3. For this purpose, a corpus analysis approach based on the Framing Theory and a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative) using the CAQDAS (Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software) tool, Atlas.ti, was used. In January 2024, ChatGPT-3 was asked to create some news items about a topic for which it has no information: The Spanish General Elections of July 23, 2023. Using different prompts, it was asked to create some news about a possible electoral victory of different Spanish political parties (PP, PSOE, VOX and SUMAR) in these elections – as if it was a real event - to be published in different Spanish newspapers (El País, ABC, La Razón, La Vanguardia, El Mundo). A total of 68 news items were generated and translated by the same AI into English, forming a corpus of 136 news items. It has been identified the framings that AI prioritises in this study: The electoral victory of the parties is narrated in a context of a positive emotion, almost euphoric and utopian (political-fiction), with large majorities, an overwhelming citizen participation, and positive reading by political analysts regarding the electoral triumph, no matter which party was called as the winner and for which newspaper it was to be published. AI creates news items in which the framing codes linked to political actions (mostly related to economy, social policy, and sustainability) stand out. ChatGPT-3 can create news items that resembles the genre of the usual news, but they are more superficial. AI tries to emulate elements such as the use of sources (authoritative voices, figures, or data) in order to give credibility to the pieces of news that it creates. However, it does not always do so accurately, due to its lack of pragmatic knowledge. Moreover, it has also been observed that the translations of news items into English are, in general terms, literal and correct versions of the Spanish ones, in which the technique of direct translation has been applied unfailingly.
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