Restitutive and poetic documentary in Alain Resnais' Toute la mémoire du monde (1956)
Documentary film, Alain Resnais, archive, National Library of France, bookAbstract
Among the filmmakers belonging to the Rive Gauche group, with a marked tendency towards essay films and literary documentaries, Alain Resnais is perhaps the most recognized for his interest in memory, both in his fiction feature films and in his documentaries. Alain Resnais’s documentaries are restorative and poetic, since in them he combines archival, restorative, reintegrating images, with his own aesthetic linked to his innovative montage proposals, his endless travellings, his framing with pronounced vanishing points, his use of voice and off-screen music and his studied presentation of figures and objects in the spatial parameter, giving his films a particular texture. We will focus the analysis on Toute la mémoire du monde (1956), a short film in which it pays tribute to the temple of memory, to the National Library of France, which becomes, as a container and content, a metaphor for the mental capacity of classify, store and retain in a fragmentary and labyrinthine structure.
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