Archive (audio/visual) and memory of colonialism in Latin America: Buscando a "Isla de Pascua". La película perdida (2014) and Apenas el sol (2020)
Archive, colonialismo, Latin American documentary, remediation, decolonial projectAbstract
The documentaries Buscando a “Isla de Pascua”. La película perdida (Chile, 2014) and Apenas el sol (Paraguay, 2020) deal with colonial histories situated in the 20th century in two regions on the Latin American periphery, both legible in terms of internal colonialism. The respective histories are (re)constructed through the use of audio/ visual archives - precarious and fragile - produced in one case previously, in the other simultaneously with the production of the documentary. The article analyses the use of the archive, which technically appears as remediation and politically reveals itself as part of a project of decolonisation.
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