Translocal Frame Extensions in a Networked Protest: Situating the #IdleNoMore hashtag
In this article, we focus on the Canadian indigenous and environmental movement called Idle No More that emerged in December 2012 and the beginning of 2013. We seek to specifically understand how the movement used Twitter and how the #idlenomore hashtag was deployed during the time just following the group’s emergence not only within Canada but also how it surpassed national boundaries as well as certain movement structures. We analysed tweets containing this hashtag to gain a better understanding of how connections can be made during a movement’s emergence and consolidation and to better conceptualise Twitter’s potential as a medium for political communication and organization. We also set out to examine what the use and co-occurrence of certain hashtags might signal within digital activist politics. This work seeks to answer the following questions:
- Together with what other Twitter hashtags is #idlenomore co-occurring?
- How can the diffusion of, and interconnection between, #idlenomore and other co-occurring hashtags be interpreted geographically? Can any translocal or transnational connections or patterns be identified?
- How do any such connections relate to processes of framing?
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