The populist narrative in social networks: the general elections in spain in november of 2019 on twitter




Populism, political communication, Twitter, social media, elections, Spain


This research analyzes the construction of the populist narrative, in the general elections in Spain in November 2019 on the social network Twitter, systematizing an analysis model based on the study of the messages with the greatest impact. Victimization, emotions, or simplification are tools for designing content by campaign teams that use populism as a narrative resource to obtain more support in the ballot boxes.


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How to Cite

Cepeda Garcia de León, J., Segado Boj, F., & Diaz Del Campo , J. . (2022). The populist narrative in social networks: the general elections in spain in november of 2019 on twitter. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (19), 591-618.