Contrastive analysis of the cultural framing of news stories about Covid-19 in The Guardian and El País based on the use of nouns


  • Alicia Ricart Vayá IULMA. University of Valencia
  • Miguel Ángel Jordán Enamorado IULMA. University of Valencia



Corpus linguistics, semantic field, cultural analysis, framing analysis, news discourse, communication, society


The present research offers a contrastive analysis of the news about Covid-19 published in the newspapers El País and The Guardian during the first months of the pandemic This research has been conducted within the theory of framing, which analyzes the various factors and mental processes that affect the creation and interpretation of news. The objectives of our work are to detect and analyze the dominant cultural settings in the selected newspapers; to contrast the results obtained in this analysis in order to establish the similarities and differences between the newspapers of both cultures; and to analyze the cultural implications of the framing applied by each newspaper and the cultural contrast between them. To achieve these objectives, a proprietary corpus analysis methodology has been developed, focused on detecting the dominant semantic fields by combining the use of the Sketch Engine computer tool with the researchers’ criteria, followed by a quantitative and qualitative contrastive analysis. The results of our study reveal a difference in the dominance of the cultural frames of El País and The Guardian, both in terms of the topics to which the Covid-19 information has been linked and in the way the newspapers display said information. This research is a contribution to the framing theory, both for the proposed methodology and for the cultural contrastive approach that we have provided.


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How to Cite

Ricart Vayá, A. ., & Jordán Enamorado, M. Ángel. (2022). Contrastive analysis of the cultural framing of news stories about Covid-19 in The Guardian and El País based on the use of nouns. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (19), 647-673.