White anger, Black anger: The politics of female rage in Little Fires Everywhere (HULU, 2020)


  • Rebeca Maseda García University of Alaska Anchorage
  • María José Gámez Fuentes Jaume I University
  • Emma Gómez Nicolau Jaume I University




Female rage, Popular culture, Little Fires Everywhere, race, intersectionality


This article examines the TV show Little Fires Everywhere through the operationalisation of the concept of “anger competence” (Chemaly, 2018). The interest in the series lies in its representation of female rage. We contend that its narrative approach both legitimizes its expression and unravels the structures and practices of subject(ificat)ion through the axis of class and race. To prove it, we tackle the construction of the enraged subject, what the mediatization unfolds and its effects.


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How to Cite

Maseda García, R. ., Gámez Fuentes, M. J. ., & Gómez Nicolau, E. . (2022). White anger, Black anger: The politics of female rage in Little Fires Everywhere (HULU, 2020): . IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (19), 295-320. https://doi.org/10.12795/IC.2022.I19.14