The feminisation of politics and its extrapolation into the discourse of male and female politicians. A Case Study of Yolanda Díaz


  • Raquel Quevedo Redondo University of Valladolid



Feminisation of politics, soft power, gender studies, women in politics, Yolanda Díaz


This research aims to provide a solid theoretical framework on the phenomenon of feminization of politics and its application to political discourse. Furthermore, the study analyses the recorded interviews that the highest-rated minister of Spain according CIS (data for the first half of 2022), Yolanda Díaz, has starred in Spanish media from January 2020 to May 2022.


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How to Cite

Quevedo Redondo, R. . (2022). The feminisation of politics and its extrapolation into the discourse of male and female politicians. A Case Study of Yolanda Díaz. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (19), 165-188.