Military camouflage, digital technology and visual regime. An analysis of the journalistic report The story behind the ‘Chinese’ digital camouflage that is revolutionizing war tanks


  • Mariángela Abbruzzese Monterrey Technological University



Military Camouflage, Digital Camouflage, Pixelated Camouflage, Visual Culture, Visual Regime


Military camouflage designs have been transformed with digital technology; Organic patterns have been replaced by other figures, mostly characterized by a pixelated aesthetic. The objective of this article is to demonstrate that pixelated military camouflage is a specific procedure of making visible and managing the gaze (April, 2012), which responds to the claims of control and surveillance exercised from political-corporate disciplinary structures.


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How to Cite

Abbruzzese, M. (2024). Military camouflage, digital technology and visual regime. An analysis of the journalistic report The story behind the ‘Chinese’ digital camouflage that is revolutionizing war tanks. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (20), 405-426.