Cartography of the female journalist: violence and armed conflicts (1914-2021)


  • Alina Boussif Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Santiago Tejedor Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Fernanda Tusa Jumbo Technical University of Machala



Conflict, map, violence, women journalists, mapping


The research analyzes the work of 228 women war reporters who have covered an armed conflict from 1914 to 2021. The study applies the action research technique, thus building the first interactive and infographic directory of women war correspondents. As a result, the need to give visibility to women reporters in conflict zones and the feminization of journalism on the front line of combat is shown.

Author Biographies

Alina Boussif, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Graduate in Journalism from the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Journalist specialising in new media.

Santiago Tejedor, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Associate Professor. Director of the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. PhD in Journalism and Communication Sciences from the UAB. PhD in Project Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Member of the Research Group 'Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación'. He has participated in several funded research projects related to Media Literacy and citizen participation. She has carried out research stays in Colombia, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. She holds the honorary title of "Egregius Educator", awarded by the Superior Board of Directors of the University of Commercial Sciences of Managua and the recognition as "Distinguished Visitor" of the Technological University of Honduras. His lines of research are: cyberjournalism, media convergence and new transmedia narratives.

Fernanda Tusa Jumbo, Technical University of Machala

PhD in Social Communication. Master's Degree in Online Media and Web Sciences. International Master's Degree in Communication and Education. Degree in Multimedia Journalism. Research Professor at the Technical University of Machala, Ecuador. Member of the Research Group on Discourse, Communication and the Web (GIDCOWEB).


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How to Cite

Boussif, A. ., Tejedor, S., & Tusa Jumbo, F. . (2024). Cartography of the female journalist: violence and armed conflicts (1914-2021). IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (20), 277-297.