The Covid-19 crisis through the video game. Discourse analysis of Death Stranding: a metaphor for solidarity in times of pandemic



The crisis unleashed by Covid-19 has been reflected in video games. Times of lockdown have turned this medium of entertainment into an instrument of escape and a stimulus for physical exercise in the home. It has also played a persuasive role, with particular cases such as Death Stranding, a major production that reflects many of the social aspects that have emphasised this crisis and whose discourse is analysed in this work from a semioludological perspective.

Author Biography

Isaac López Redondo, Universidad de Sevilla

Departamento de Periodismo II

Profesor asociado



How to Cite

López Redondo, I., & Angulo Egea, M. (2021). The Covid-19 crisis through the video game. Discourse analysis of Death Stranding: a metaphor for solidarity in times of pandemic. IC Revista Científica De Información Y Comunicación, (18), 95-113. Retrieved from

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